Recycle Runway Blog
Seeking your creative input!
I’m excited to announce that I am developing a 16 section educational presentation called “Creative Sustainability: educational materials for preserving our planet.” It addresses issues ranging from waste, to consumerism, to climate change. Each section contains photos of my sculptures that relate to the theme of the section; fun eco-quizes; and projects that utilize art, science, language arts and social studies.
I am collaborating with my friend of over 25 years, Sandrine Love, the Executive and Creative Director of a non-profit called Nourishing Our Children. She is assisting with the creation of the PowerPoint presentation, study guide and e-book and will be distributing the materials. We welcome you to view this introductory preview, still in progress, that shares the vision behind this project.
We seek your creative interpretations!
We would like to use illustrations of the earth on the cover pages of each piece of the curriculum, as well as for the numerous section breaks. Please click here to learn more details about what exactly we are looking for.
Each of those whose illustrations we choose to use will receive all of The Creative Sustainability educational materials, which we will launch in the next few months, as a token of our appreciation. In addition, we are also offering Nourishing Our Children’s PowerPoint, study guide, e-book, and food pyramid comparison chart as a gift!
We seek submissions by Friday, February 14 and are most, most grateful for your participation!