Photos by Jay Sturdevant
Crime Scene
Police tape is fashioned into “warning-wear”.
Tape from police crime scenes across the west, cover a dress made from torn table cloths. This cautionary costume took 50 hours to create and was completed in 2011.
Read a blog post about creating Crime Scene.
Scientists estimate that everyone alive today carries within her or his body at least 700 contaminants.
90 percent of the 85,000 synthetic chemicals registered today in the United States, have NOT been tested for their effects on human health. Many of these chemicals persist in the environment and accumulate in our bodies creating susceptibility to cancer as well as many other health problems.
Don’t let your body be a crime scene! Reduce your families exposure to toxins by eating organic food; eliminating pesticides, chemical cleaners and air fresheners from home and work; and “air out” new carpets, painted rooms, furnishings, and anything else with that “new smell” before indoor use. Better yet – buy safer products that don’t off-gas toxic fumes.
Sources: Coming Clean, Breast Cancer Fund, Healthy Child/Healthy World