Recycling Fiesta
Recycling Fiesta
Recycling Fiesta
Recycling Fiesta
Recycling Fiesta
Photos by Sandrine Hahn

Recycling Fiesta

This spicy little number is right on Target with business recycling!

The skirt, armbands and top were made from an employee’s old shirt and accented with plastic Target bags. Paper beads were created from cardboard product displays. The Carmen Miranda style headdress was made with plastic bags, old cardboard displays and a returned baseball game. This festive combo took 100 hours to create. Created in 2002.

Commissioned by Target®


Be an eco-leader on the job, learn how at:

Businesses of all sizes can help the environment by implementing green programs such as:

  • Considering manufacturing materials and the inefficiency of waste.
  • Adhering to green building standards when building new structures.
  • Purchasing supplies containing recycled and non-toxic materials.
  • Creating a recycling program for office paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and aluminum.
  • Promoting carpooling and public transportation among employees.

Source: Environmental Projection Agency