for a reception to celebrate the completion of
“PDX Weather Advisory” and “Pacifica” by Nancy Judd
and to thank the many volunteers who helped to create them!


PDX Weather Advisory
Commissioned by
The Port of Portland
Commissioned by
The Nature Conservancy of Oregon


Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 4-6pm
1st floor of Port of Portland Headquarters Building
located at the Portland International Airport

If you ride the MAX, from baggage claim level take the escalator down across from carousel # 9, following signs for Port Offices. At the end of the tunnel take the elevator up to the 1st floor lobby.

If driving, park in the long-term garage and take the elevator on the east end of the garage marked Port Offices to the 1st floor lobby. If the long-term garage is full, park on the east side of the short-term garage and cross the walkway to the long-term garage and take the east elevators to the 1st floor lobby. Parking tickets will be validated.

Here is a link with directions/map.

There will be refreshments and a slide show documenting the creation of the sculptures and the many people who helped complete them in a very short time frame!

 Please RSVP with Nancy: 505-577-9712 or